Thursday, 19 January 2012

Macdonel's Ad

         Ads are very important to know products and  can help consumer to buy products.When an advertiser  relies on TV can get our attention. My faviort commercial is a Macdonalds and so it talkes about love story one boy crazy about his girlfriend and they fall on love. Moreover,they are spend a great time togather and he alweys takes care for her. He threw himself in the sea becouse he wants to give her the flower.When a girl has any problem he alwyes
so dove with her help her for exsample,his girlfriend has problem in her car he try to fix it and
he is  so dove with herl
ctuality they are wonderful cubl. After that they decied to go Macdonalds and they order differnat meal the boy takes cambo the girl takes just sandwitch . 
Then they have a sit in ftont of each other and the girl start to shers frinchfrise withe her boyfrined suddenly he does not allow to her shearing his cambo and they star fighting and they brok a realtionship. 
The goal from this commercial the cambo is for one person even though they love togather. It is a humorous commercial and i like a technique for this ad.It has a sound effect such as romantic music.Finally, Ithink it is an effective ad for teeniger I really like it 
and it is easy to understand 
I wish to see my favert cammercial


  1. i like macdonels ^^.Good choise.

  2. hahaha It was unpredictable commercial until saw the MC. They can not tolerate each other for burger hahaha. I am gonna expect your next choice.

  3. I like macdonalds too that was prety nice

  4. Graet commercail muruj i like it so much

  5. wow it's great thanks for writing good job.

  6. Great ad! i like your description.


  7. Ohhh, I like it because it starts with a very romantic scene and finishs with a fun one. Nice
