Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Man and Woman

    There are many differnce between meal and female in this cause we do not need to discuiss physical difference but we will talk about gender difference.So men and women have completely and different identity,and they are feacing some problems understand togather. Men have a lot of positive and negative habits , however, I do not like some negative thing like nervousness man, liar man, and ridiculous man.

    First of all, nervousness man who has a quick tempered also he can not countrol in himeself. He start attacking to somebody and he start screaming. In addition, he is a violent, sharp,and strong man. For example, when I went to shopping I saw man who was a nervous and startesd screaming for his wife in front of all many people.Everybody was look at him and his wife felt embarrassly. Really it was bad situation.

     Secondly, liar man I do not mean white lie but some men used to lie in them life so liar man who has many mistakes ,and he always has a lot of justifications. He try to convince his partner , or his wife so he try to be an honest but he can not act his behaver. Acully I dislike deal with liar man becouse I do not want 
to teach my future kids liar.For example, my friend always discovered her hosbuned liar but she love him and she 
give him and she belive him. 

   Having talks about nerve and lying I want to expline about a momentous neigtivelly thing is a ridiculous man. He 
who has bad behavior and hurt his girlfriend. People do not like this kind from men , and they think he is an imbecile.
Also, ridiculous men are not masculine so he Sees himself as witty but he is not. He is a Critic with his friends and 
his girlfriend.

     In conclusion,even if have many difference between men and women , they will be fine, therefor,man can live 
without woman also woman can not live without man. However, they need understand very well togather and recpict 
togther so man can be father , son,brother, husbend , and friend.


1 comment:

  1. Great conclusion. I like the link to the song.

    Mark: 2.
